The course outcomes are

  • CO1: Describe the key concept of statistical learning;

  • CO2: Compare statistical models for prediction and estimation through supervised learning;

  • CO3: Identify relationship and structures from unlabelled data through unsupervised learning;

  • CO4: Demonstrate supervised and unsupervised learning with statistical software;

  • CO5: Interpret results from supervised and unsupervised learning.


  • Week 1: Practical and Tutorial start from Week 1. Tuesday is Thaipusam holiday. A pre-recorded video will be prepared for P1 and P2. You may join the Wednesday 3-4pm class at KB904 if you prefer physical class. Please scan the QR code before Wednesday 4 pm for your attendance.

  • Week 2: Assignment question is ready. Start forming assignment groups and pick the dataset of interest.

  • Week 3: All assignment groups should be formed. Those not in an assignment group will not get marks for early formation of assignment groups and will be randomly assigned a group by lecturer.

  • Week 4: Assignment groups will be finalised and assignment starts.

  • Week 6: Tuesday is Nuzul Al-Quran holiday. A pre-recorded video will be prepared for P1 and P2. You may join the Wednesday 3-4pm class at KB904 if you prefer physical class. Please scan the QR code before Wednesday 4 pm for your attendance.

  • Week 8: Online prerecorded videos for lecture, tutorial and practical will be prepared due to Hari Raya Puasa holiday. Please scan the QR codes in MS Teams before Friday for the attendance.

  • Sample Practical Quiz from an earlier semester

  • Week 11: Wednesday (23 April) 6pm: Deadline for the submission of assignment report and computer program. This should be the last week for tutorial classes.

  • Week 12: This should be the last week for practical classes.

  • Week 12 or Week 13: Oral Presentation will be arranged.

  • Week 14 Friday or later: Check the coursework marks which will be announced in MS Teams’s 2025.02 channel). Inform the lecturer if there are any mistakes.

  • Past Year Exam Sample

Methods of Assessment

  • Practical Quiz (12%, CO4) @ Week 6

  • Assignment. (Total: 38%, Report 18%, Program 10%, Oral Presentation 10%)

  • Final Exam (50%, CO1—​CO3,CO5. Each question corresponds to one CO)

Lecture Notes


