CO1: perform vector and matrix operation using computer software
CO2: plot graphs, curves, surfaces and contours using computer software
CO3: write program scripts for mathematical software
CO4: apply computer software to solve system of linear equations, eigenvalue problems or matrix factorisation problems
CO5: apply computer software to perform curve fitting on a set of data
Methods of Assessment
Lecture Notes
Week 1:
Lecture Note 1 (covering Topics 1, 3): Basic Python Programming, Dr Sim
Week 2 Monday:
Completing Lecture Note 1
Week 2 Tuesday:
Week 3 Monday:
Week 3 Tuesday Test:
A sample of past year test: Test from Year 2020, Test from Year 2022
Week 4—5: Dr Goh will introduce Topic 4 2D and 3D plotting. Assignment will be given.
Week 6—7: Dr Denis Wong will introduce Topic 5 (Modelling) and Topic 6 (Curve Fitting) as well as organising two simple quizzes.